Saturday, January 17, 2009


Something I find highly curious. After you are divorced, the amount of people who know what your ex-spouse was doing. They then come out and tell you things. More so, when they know she has moved to another city.

Some things I suspected, others I was quite surprised by. You know I am actually okay with it now. I still have the pain of the loss of my children. Even though everyone tells me, “YOU NEVER LOSE YOUR CHILDREN”. When you are used to coming home to them everyday, helping them with their homework, fixing some electronic device for them, just kid’s need/wants. The silence is painful. Everything went against me as I see it. My parents say it is not so. When my children are separated from me by a thousand miles, it is against me. I cannot just up and go if they need me.

Troubling also is when they call for help with their homework. This is very important to me. I can no longer check their work prior to then turning it in. We cannot discuss school projects. I can no longer be asked, “Dad, will you go on the field trip with us?” I can no longer be forbidden by my eldest, because parents are “embarrassing”.

Good thing for cell phones! I can call them directly. Do not need to go through anyone else. I am learning how to use the text messaging feature. Something they both really like. Not very good at it, but I am learning. How can they do it so fast? You know the saying, “as being all thumbs”. It is not natural, you only use your thumbs to text, now I am really screwed up! Now I am all fingers!

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